Super Curation | The 2023 NetsTribe - Guangzhou Design Week ends successfully, empowering high-quality development through design!


“ Mountains and rivers in the years ”

Adhering to the value of "design for livelihood," the 2023 Guangzhou Design Week, in collaboration with several designers, design schools, and those who share the sustainable development design concept, invited  NetsTribe as the brand to participate in the "Passion for Love" theme cultural and creative exhibition with "Oriental Aesthetics" as the carrier. Art installations were created around traditional Chinese landscape paintings, allowing people to experience the beauty of design brought about by sustainability more vividly.Using ancient rope knitting techniques, the "Mountain Range" theme booth was completed, and the overall visual elements integrate fantasy and traditional elements. Through innovative exhibitions and new brand crossover play, cultural and artistic integration, an immersive future is created.


“ The wonder of mountains ”




Making the future warm brings about human reflection and emotions from the depths of the soul. As a fun exploration of the Future Tribe, NetsTribe collaborates with Ge Wu Interactive to create the "Mountain Range"theme exhibition, blending future fantasy with traditional elements, cultural and artistic integration, creating an immersive future fun tribe.

The misty mountains and the undulating green hills with harmonious colors, as long as you reach out and push aside the rope net, you will find a way out. Through this installation, designers hope to encourage adults to rediscover the joy of play without being limited by the conventional framework.



In this complicated and challenging terrain, a rebirth will ultimately be welcomed, just as we will eventually open up to all the shadows and embrace fresh air during the pandemic. All observers look for new visual ways of high, low, near, far, in and out and around, using non-legacy culture rope net weaving art, once again allowing the audience to experience the charm of Chinese culture.



“ Interactive living space ”




It is a fully immersive themed exhibition created using mechanical and digital bionic creativity, presenting the future bionic living aesthetics: using elements such as Shoushan stone, ripples, water drops, lotus, and other Eastern elements,rooted in Eastern philosophy, creating a future living space that breathes and is interactive. Time and space come to life here, and spirit and the world are one, creating furniture, art

installations, or bionic artworks... in an indefinable boundary, creating a unique human and spiritual interactive experience.

“ Mechanical Demon Cat ”



Inspired by "swallowing planets," the story of Mechanical Demon Cat and bionic cosmic experience and collaboration conveys the core value of "devouring negative energy" of the Mechanical Demon Cat. The energy-eating flower blooms and flickers, and the extremely tense future cyber-punk cat with diverse interactive spaces conveys the power of healing.


“ Immersive consumption scenarios ”




The Mechanical Star Alliance Bionic Laboratory & Guangzhou CooCoo Intelligent Technology combines multi-dimensional consumption scenes with artificial intelligence to create a new species. It constructs an ultimate bionic future consumption scene by linking the tree of life that connects the past and the future, creating an immersive experience in future food culture and consumption.


“ exhibition scene ”

The joyful space created by the NetsTribe and the Extreme Fire format reminds us not to forget happiness. Don't let

 the world be imprisoned by the past. Come to the future tribe and experience a happy future. 





of local Netstribe culture through design, promotes the shaping of local brands, and combines traditional rope weaving

 techniques and design to bring about a new perspective on the development of beautiful rural communities and the

 promotion of local culture. Design, nature, and culture come together, where the beauty of technology and art converge, 

and cutting-edge experiences and sustainability views merge.



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